All religion derives from a mystical experience, transcending thought, and seeks to express this experience, to give it form, language, ritual, and social organization. Bede Griffiths
A collection of resources from desert mothers & fathers to the modern mystics
All religion derives from a mystical experience, transcending thought, and seeks to express this experience, to give it form, language, ritual, and social organization. Bede Griffiths
Your image of God creates you or defeats you. There is an absolute connection between how we see God and how we see ourselves and the universe. God is Reality with a Face which is the only way most humans know how to relate to anything. There has to be a face! Richard Rohr
To withhold forgiveness is to take poison and expect the unforgiven to die. St. Augustine
Faith does not need to push the river because faith is able to trust that there is a river. The river is flowing. We are in it. Richard Rohr
Hope is always most necessary when everything, spiritually, seems hopeless. Thomas Merton